diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Physical education

For me, asking "is physical education a necessary subject?" is the same as asking "is Mariano Rajoy a good president?".

Same stupid question, same obvious answer.

No. A big no.

I mean, why do we need it? Especially in Batxillerat? If I wanted to do something related to sports in my life, I would have chosen something else. Not Batxillerat.

Really. When am I gonna use anything that I "learned" in P.E? Never. Because it's not important. We don't even learn anything. We just run and get tired. That's the only propose of that subject. Annoy. Being annoying. I've got P.E on Mondays and Thursdays and you can't even imagine how much I hate it. It's worthless.
We could use those 2 hours that we waste running around and losing time to do something important. But no. There we are, running without a propouse twice a week.

And if you fail that class, you're fucked up, and you've got to spent a lot of hours doing a work about some random sport or something that you just copy and paste from wikipedia.

It's a total waste of time. It would be more interesting to... I don't know. Study the theory of how to make "La Croqueta".

Really. It would be as useful  as Physical Education.

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